Extract from Planning Inspector’s report to

Secretary of State for CLG dated 20 March 2007


Planning Inspector’s consideration of displaced parking

719.    Residents are also concerned that the restriction of car parking within the campus could encourage parking to take place within Heslington Village and Badger Hill. There is some dispute between residents and the CoYC as to the degree to which existing on-street parking within Heslington is generated by the University. However, the current level of on-street parking is not a justification for withholding planning permission for the proposed development. The suggested conditions require that regular surveys be undertaken of on-street parking within defined zones within Heslington and Badger Hill and should on-street parking increase by more than 20% within a particular zone, residents only parking areas would be introduced [231]. It was conformed at the inquiry, that the costs of that scheme would be met by the University and that local residents would not be charged for permits should such a scheme be introduced. The threshold figure is in my view appropriate having regard to the evidence presented regarding existing fluctuations in on-street parking levels. The methodology and timing of surveys would be within the control of the Local Planning Authority. I do not consider that the surveys should be undertaken on a street by street basis. If that were to be the case, in certain streets even a small increase in the actual number of vehicles parking on the highway could exceed the threshold and result in unnecessary parking restrictions being implemented. Furthermore, the introduction of parking restrictions on a single street could well result in parking being displaced to adjoining streets. I am satisfied that overspill car parking could be controlled though planning conditions and the undertaking contained within the S106 Agreement.